August 09, 2024
REALTOR of the Year Awards are based on a point system using the following criteria:
• Local, State and National Association Activities: Board, committee or task force member; special achievements and recognitions; attendance and participation at meetings and conventions. For FM REALTORS® nominees, Local Activities are most heavily weighted and for NDAR nominees the State Activities are most heavily weighted. National Activities are optional.
• Civic Activities: Participation and offices held; memberships in charitable organizations and activities; political appointments or elections to public offices or commissions; involvement in community projects that enhance economic development; pride and awareness of area.
• Business Accomplishments: Business accomplishments in the real estate business, including such items as business reputation with competitors; imaginative and creative marketing concepts and developments; areas of specialization.
• REALTOR® Spirit: Candidate’s pride and participation in the Association; high principles; faithfulness to the Code of Ethics; standards of cooperation and furtherance of high professionalism among other REALTORS®; participation in RPAC and lobbying on local, state and national level; designations achieved; awards and special recognitions.