FMR Virtual/Live Auction

March 04, 2025 1:00am to 1:00am


The FM REALTORS® Annual Party has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, 2025.  Mark your calendar & watch for further details!    

The Annual Party Task Force will once again hold a virtual silent auction and a live auction at the annual party.  
Auction open to ALL MEMBERS (not just those in attendance of Annual Party)
Shop EARLY & OFTEN (auction open for full week)
Easy to donate items, just fill out online what you plan to donate CLICK HERE.  Donation forms need to be submitted to by February 21st.
Bring donations to FMR Office now thru February 28th (deadline for all items to be delivered).  Auction items delivered after February 28th will be considered for 2026 Event. 
Online auction starts at Noon, March 4th until March 11th.
Items can be viewed at FMR Office from Noon, March 4th to Noon, March 11th. 
Items to be picked up at FMR Office between 10AM-3PM on Wednesday, March 12th. 


Need Online CE?

Fargo Moorhead Area Association of REALTORS® has established an agreement with The CE Shop to promote online course information to consumers and real estate licensees. Fargo Moorhead Area Association of REALTORS® is not the developer of these courses and is simply providing a referral. Any questions regarding course content or technology should be directed to The CE Shop.